Civil Society actors turn out for MEC-organised social cohesion talk

The first event organised by MEC was well attended, with 160 people, mainly from Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) turning out for an awareness-raising talk on ‘Education and Social Cohesion’.

Professor Stephen P Heyneman’s lunchtime talk was at Panda Hotel in Yangon on 7 October 2013. He talked about what social cohesion is; what types of organisations can contribute to achieving social cohesion; the link between social cohesion and economic prosperity; and the influence of education on social cohesion.

Professor Heyneman is a Professor of International Education Policy at Vanderbilt University, USA. He is visiting Myanmar as international scholar for the Regional Interfaith Academic Conference on ‘Religion, Peace, Security and Co-existence’, which is jointly organised by the Institute for Global Engagement and the Venerable Sitagu Sayardaw Dr. Ashin Nyanissara, Chancellor of Sitagu International Buddhist Academies.

You can download the Powerpoint from Professor Heyneman’s talk below.

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